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Help and FAQs

Signing up to our mailing list and Troubleshooting


Signing up - what will you get?


If you want to receive our monthly newsletter, The Foxy Rag, sale notifications, discount codes and/or access to our Members Area you must sign up on our website


When you sign up you will receive an email confirmation with your password (PLEASE keep this safe).  


You may be asked to confirm that you wish to subscribe and/or be asked to accept our email address. You will need to do this if you are asked.


ALWAYS check your Spam or Junk Folder! Your email provider may consider our mail as junk as it is via a mailing list!


Lost Password


If you lose your password, you will need to sign up again!


We merge our mailing list before each mailout, so duplicates are automatically deleted. 


I did not receive my newsletter or Foxy Rag


First, you must have been signed up BEFORE it was sent out. We cannot send back issues.


Check your junk or spam folders.


Some webmail providers (inc. AOL, YAHOO, Hotmail) deliver campaigns in batches so it may take a few hours to arrive.


THE BIGGEST ISSUE may be your device security settings (anti-virus or Firewall).  If you have certain providers they may also stop mailouts from reaching you. This is not anything we can help with; I wish we could.  You will need to Google your device / provider to find out what steps you need to take, and check your security settings.


I cannot Download the Freebies from the Members Area


Please read the instructions at the top of the Members Area.  Make sure you are using the download button and not downloading the thumbnail.


If you still cannot download the files, there may be an issue with your internet connection.  Check this and try again.


Your Antivirus or firewall is blocking the download.  This is something you will need to check and resolve at your end (security settings)


WeTransfer may be experiencing issues, so if you get an error message please try again later.


Your device does not have suitable space for the download.


This link might offer further information if the files are via WeTransfer:


WeTranfer Help


I cannot download the Rag from the email link.


If you cannot download the magazine, there may be an issue with your internet connection.  Check this and try again.


Your Antivirus or firewall is blocking the download.  This is something you will need to check and resolve at your end (security settings).


WeTransfer may be experiencing issues, so if you get an error message please try again later.


Your device does not have suitable space for the download; the magazine is large.


This link might offer further information if the files are via WeTransfer:


WeTranfer Help


I have been removed from the mailing list!


If you do not open our emails, you are automatically removed from the list… Not by us!   

If our emails have been going into your junk folder and you have not found them and opened them, you may need to re-subscribe.



We hope this helps.

© 2021 Tracie Fox ve Tracie Fox Yaratıcı. Bu sitenin yazarından ve/veya sahibinden açık ve yazılı izin alınmadan bu materyalin izinsiz kullanılması ve/veya çoğaltılması kesinlikle yasaktır. Bağlantılar kullanılabilir; Tracie Fox'a tam ve açık kredi verilmesi şartıyla. Lütfen görsel Kullanım Koşulları için Kurallara bakın.

mail listemize katılın

Thanks for submitting!

You will receive a monthly email newsletter, the next and all future issues of the 'Foxy Rag', as well as other regular, exclusive news and information. You will also receive a unique password for the Member's Area.
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